Ekstern: First workshop on Low-temperature District Heating and Cooling Systems (DHCS) – socio-economic boundary conditions

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Ekstern: First workshop on Low-temperature District Heating and Cooling Systems (DHCS) – socio-economic boundary conditions

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Organisationen COST (European Cooperation in Science & Technology) finansierer et forskningsnetværk kaldet Geothermal DHC. Netværket arbejdet for at få geotermisk energi ind i fjernvarme og -køling. Det har gentagende gange vist sig at netværket besidder kompetencer indenfor termonet, og derfor har overlappende interesser med foreningen. Denne workshop er ingen undtagelse. Workshoppen er den første workshop ud af to, der har fokus på de ikke-tekniske barrier for udrulning af termonet. Foreningen bidrager med en case fra Danmark.

International workshop series: Low-temperature District Heating and Cooling Systems (DHCS) – socio-economic boundary conditions

These workshops aim at experience sharing between stakeholders from different countries on the nontechnical challenges of low-temperature district heating and cooling systems (DHCS). It will tackle issues such as business models, multi-stakeholders engagement and political visibility. It will be based on case studies from two European countries: Denmark and Austria, but will also benefit from the experience of European networks on low-temperature district heating and cooling systems. The chosen cases differ on their implementation phase, context and typology but all share the same objective of being sustainable for the environment and the society. The workshops take place in the context of a management industrial PhD on the transition towards sustainable district heating, and is supported by the EU COST Action CA18219 Geothermal-DHC (www.geothermal-dhc.eu).

The workshops will be separated in two sessions.

  • The first workshop will give an introduction on low-temperature DHCS and then focus on the
    SWOT analysis of low-temperature DHCS: How to build on their strengths and opportunities
    to overcome their challenges? It will take as an input the outcomes of a SWOT/PESTLE survey
    you can fill prior to the workshop, 14th of October 2021, 14:00-16:30.
  • The second and last workshop will work on the narrative and visual of low-temperature
    heating and cooling networks: What story to make them part of a desirable and shared future
    for heat? Its format will adapt to the outcomes of the first workshop and the interest of the
    participants, 15th of November 2021, 09:30 – 12:00.

Preliminary program of Workshop 1:
14:00-14:30. Welcome and warm up
14:30-15:15. Introduction notes from Austria and Denmark
15:15-15:30. Short break
15:30-16:00. Break out groups.
16:00-16:30. Closing plenary: report from the groups and conclusion speech.

Please find below the registration link. You are also asked to answer a SWOT/PESTLE survey on low-temperature DHCS (link in the registration form), which results will be used to tailor the workshop to you issues.

https://form.jotform.com/212653625403349 (registration form)

PESTLE-SWOT on low-temperature District Heating and Cooling Systems (DHCS) (google.com) (SWOT/PESTLE survey)

The registration closes on the 7th of October, 18h.


14. oktober, 2021
14:00 - 16:30
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