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Termonet Temperatur check-ind
Velkommen til årets første Termonet Temperatur check-in 15/1 kl. 10:00 – 10:45 hvor Marwan Abugabbara giver et oplæg om sin spændende afhandling. Marwan kommer omkring tekniske aspekter af 5. generations fjernvarme (5GDHC) og hvordan dette bindes sammen med varmepumper, samt omkring handel på elmarkedet, desuden etablering af termonet i Sverige samt forskelle og ligheder med Danmark – også med praktiske eksempler.
Som vanligt erder mulighed for Q&A efter præsentationen.
Thesis summary:
Unlike traditional systems, advanced concepts of district heating and cooling offer the possibility to
- integrate low-enthalpy renewable energy sources such as shallow geothermal
- supply simultaneous heating and cooling through the same network, and
- combine district and heat pump technologies.
This doctoral thesis aims to analyse these systems by developing a multi-domain simulation model and applying it to actual existing cases. Another aim of the thesis is to examine the implications of systems transition from technical, social, and political perspectives. The model application reveals several benefits of new concepts of district heating and cooling including but not limited to, the electrification of thermal networks using decentralised heat pumps, the sharing of energy flows between connected buildings, and the reduction of distribution losses in combined heating and cooling systems. From a non-technical perspective, the thesis reports that advanced district heating and cooling concepts can alleviate energy poverty by reducing the financial burden on tenants who experience rent increase due to energy retrofit projects. Furthermore, the thesis highlights the importance of establishing industry standards to propose best practices and to fill the gap in skill shortage.
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